Halfway Checkpoint: Did I Sink or Swim?

Jumping into the deep and feeling the flow of the river of life. Did you sink or swim?

So, it is already halfway through 2017. At the beginning of the year, I launched this blog. I said I was diving into the deep and find out if I would sink or swim.

At the halfway point of the year it makes sense to go back and take stock of what has happened. So, I ask myself thus far Did I sink or swim?

My honest answer, a bit of both.

Life, it seems, is all about striking a balance. That and coming to terms with not always being able to find that somewhat elusive balance. It is push and pull. Give and take. And I would say that is about where my blogging life has been as well.

There have been times I really felt I was in the flow. I was posting, people were commenting and it all felt so natural. I wrote multiple times a week and found strength in the voice that I was creating, nurturing, and defining.

Then, somehow, I seemed to jump out of the current. Instead I settled for watching from the banks of the river. I let the fear of not having the perfect picture for Instagram to match a blog keep me from posting anything at all. I let the fear of saying the wrong thing keep me from exploring topics I care about, but that are little bit messy. I let laziness take over and tomorrow became next week, and next week became next month.

I both sank and swam.

And today, in this moment, I am trying to accept that. Trying to come to terms with the fact that I am human. I have both limitless potential, and a ceaseless propensity to fail. I am learning to forgive myself and start again. I am learning that sink or swim, at least I took the risk to stay in the water.

I could make a list of how I will do better the second half of the year. It would include how I will read more blogs for better inspiration. I will be committed to improving my photography skills. I will perfect CSS content. And I will certainly post more blogs…The list could easily go on.

Sure, all those are great for building the appearance of my blog, but I also care about quality. And so for that, I am trying to be present with what is. Letting go of what I thought I should have done or accomplished so far. Instead accepting what is. Embracing compassion and humility. In surrendering, I just might return to that sweet and natural flow.

No matter what your goals were for the year, you can take a similar approach. Did you sink or swim? But more importantly, can you accept both of these outcomes? Are you still in the flow? Or are you ready to surrender and dive back in?


1 Comment

  1. I am learning that sink or swim, at least I took the risk to stay in the water.


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