These past two weeks, instead of waking from a bad dream, I have found myself waking to what I would safely consider a nightmare of reality. I am a vegan compassionate lifestyle blogger, and my goal is to increase compassion for ALL beings. On my best days that includes Mr. Trump. But I am also the Bad Vegan Lady, and I do not always live up to my best self.
I want to build bridges and curb decisiveness. I know Politics is something that often closes more doors than it opens. In light of that, I considered keeping out of it, especially as a new blogger looking for a following. But then I remembered silence is even worse than not having a few more “likes” and “follows.”
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
-Martin Luther King Jr.
I stand with those who have been bullied, bashed, banned and belittled. I refuse to let my silence be that which is remembered.
I don’t have the best way to fix this in the long run, but I do have the next best thing.
The ImPEACH Trump Elixir.
Stronger than any super food smoothie or detox juice. This boozey drink promises to ImPEACH Trump from the White House within 24 hours. And if it can’t do that, then Climate Change is actually real, not this elaborate haux hippie liberals created.
- 1oz. Tequila—Smuggled in before the Wall is built of course
- 6oz. “Make America Great Again” Beer—Make sure this beer is DOMESTIC, none of that loser foreign stuff!
- Half a lime—This bitterness reminds us the Trump era is truly upon us
- 200 jalapenos—Believe me, this is easier to wash down than all the alternative facts this Administration has been feeding us…otherwise, maybe just use a slice or two
- 1 tsp. both white and brown sugar—This willful mixing of colors will be sure to add gas to the wreckage fire that is the Trump Administration
- 3-4 Peach slices—The natural sweetness that will be muddled, smashed and destroyed, like many of our idealist dreams
- Dried salt for the rim of your glass collected from the ocean of tears you’ve shed since the inauguration
- Muddle the jalapeno, peach, lime and mixed colored sugars together in a highball glass
- Add the Tequila. Muddle once again for good measure
- Add the ice
- Add the “Make America Great Again” beer and garnish with lime, peach and more jalapenos
- DO NOT FORGET your dried tear salt for the rim of the glass!
- Make a toast and drink up. After a few of these I promise the nightmare of the Trump Era will disappear, if only for the night
Prep Time: 5 min.
Forget Trump is our President Time: As long as you keep drinking
Raise your drink in a toast and then raise your voice. As much as I wish the ImPEACH Trump Elixir could be a magic bullet that actually ends the nightmare that is currently America’s reality, experience tells me that magic potions and quick fixes just don’t work.
After you take a night off and blow off some steam drinking up this magic potion. After you’ve hashtagged the hell out of #ImPEACHTrumpElixir with pictures and stories of how the night ends. And after your hang over clears. Then take action.
Write to your Senators, Congress and everyone else that has an ear to listen. Go tell a neighbor who fears for her child that you stand opposed to the hateful and dismissive actions that are being carried out. Sign up to volunteer. Sign up to March. Commit to protecting the climate and all its beings. Just be sure you are doing something to make a change for the better. When all that seems too tiring and difficult again, whip up another round of the ImPEACH Trump Elixir and watch this nightmare end, if just for a night.
Great recipe like the play on words now if I make it strong enough will it really happen